
about swipe for change

Who we help


Unlock a passive income stream by connecting with businesses to grow your brand story along with your bottom line

Merchant Business Owner


Be a purpose-driven-business by connecting your customers to a cause while saving upwards of 90% on processing fees.


Make the world a better place with every card purchase you make, and support the businesses and Nonprofits that you align with

Why choose us


No hidden fees or contracts for merchants, or non-profits. With Swipe for Change, everyone has the opportunity to make credit card transactions count.

Seamless and Easy

Merchants save money, Nonprofits gain a passive income stream, and consumers have
a positive purchase experience.

Secure Transactions

Our technology is at the forefront of security standards in the industry.

Top-Rated Service

We’re happy to help you with any technical issues with your credit card system. Feel free to contact us whenever you need help!

Case Studies

Case studies 1 example

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Case studies 1 example

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Case studies 1 example

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